Letter from the Director

Our focus during Fiscal Year 2023-2024 was on reconnecting with and recommitting to the communities we serve .

Behind the scenes, we made significant progress in continu­ing the separation of RVTA from its previous incarnation as the Williamsport Bureau of Transportation. Key milestones included establishing recipient status with the Federal Transit Administra­tion, acquiring services to address audit backlogs, and working closely with the City to resolve legacy financial liabilities.

At the same time, we prioritized outreach, public engagement, and active participation in community activities. We undertook numerous initiatives to “reintroduce” public transportation, adapting to the changes in the community following the pandemic.

As we wrapped up Fiscal Year 2024, we conducted a long-awaited, thorough customer satisfaction survey. We’re excited to discover our strengths and areas for improvement. We deeply appreciate the continued support of our local part­ners during the challenging and time-consuming process of getting RVTA up and running.

Todd Wright, Executive Director
RVTA Statistics
Statistic Value
Ridership 791,370 Riders
Diesel Used 25,006 Gallons
CNG Used 233,374 Gallon equivalents used
Lycoming and Clinton Counties 24 Routes
Active Fleet Vehicles 40
Financial Statements
Statistic Value
Token Transit Fares Collected $91,974.25
Token Transit Passes Sold 21,551
Operating Revenue $945,636.00
Operating Subsidy $8,500,028.00
Operating Expenses $10,154,422.00

PennDOT Driver Survey Results

The rider survey, kicked off in June 2024, highlighted several notable achievements, including positive feedback on the cleanliness and comfort of the buses, the variety of routes offered, and the overall high level of personal safety experienced while riding or visiting the Transit Centre.

  • 98.2% of riders are either satisfied or very satisfied with the service provided by River Valley Transit.
  • 80.8% of riders would recommend or highly recommend River Valley Transit.
  • 91% of riders consider the drivers to be courteous, friendly, and helpful
  • 89% of River Valley Transit riders report that the buses are on time.

RVT Outreach Training Services

River Valley Transit offers educational training to organizations and groups on how to ride the bus. This complimentary service is available to schools, libraries, churches and any group that would like instruction on boarding buses, buying passes, selecting routes, rider etiquette, bringing a bicycle or wheelchair plus training on RVT’s two rider smart phone applications; MyRide and Token Transit.


outreach events


organizations held
training transit events

For the complete report you may download the PDF;  RVTA Annual Report – 2023
