Bus service between Williamsport and Lock Haven will begin at 9:30am on Friday, January 29th, 2021. The new Friday and Saturday “Lock Haven Link” will operate until 5:30pm and is a simple loop linking the two communities. “Changes to our routes happen when our riders’ needs change. We have found a solution to provide a trip that stops in Jersey Shore and throughout Clinton County,” said Adam Winder, River Valley Transit General Manager. “The new service will replace the recent one that ended in 2020 as part of a transportation study. The new route is much simpler and will be easier to use for bus passengers.”
The bus will stop at various points including The Jersey Shore Weis Market, the Clinton County Community Center, Walmart in Mill Hall and various stops along the route. Passengers can get complete details on the routes using the MyRide App, River Valley Transit’s exclusive bus locator and planning tool. The information may be obtained on the website www.rideRVT.com, by phone calls to the RVT administration office and from bus operators on the Lock Haven Link.
The first 2 days of the Lock Haven Link service there will be no fare required. Regular fares on all fixed routes will resume on Monday, February 1, 2021. Due to Covid 19 restrictions and precautions fares were temporarily waved in the recent months. For the safety of passengers and bus operators River Valley Transit asks that face coverings be worn, maintain 6 feet of distance between others at all times and wash hands or use sanitizer frequently throughout the day.
River Valley Transit offers a variety of bus passes including “EZ Fares.” Available at the Trade & Transit Centre II customer service office, 144 West Third Street, Williamsport, on board each RVT Bus and will also soon become available in locations within the City of Lock Haven. Lock Haven University students ride free with their college ID and as always, Senior Citizens ride free. For more information visit www.rideRVT.com or call (570 326-2500.

The bus service schedule on Fridays and Saturdays can be found in the flyer attached below.