River Valley Transit Authority

Meeting Minutes

November 7, 2022

Members Present: Noah Bower, Max Moore, Chuck Crews, Richard Staiman and Trisha Marty.
Administration Present: Todd Wright, Nicole Farr and Renee Smith.

Others: Jill Nagy with Summers Nagy Law Firm, Bethany Jones, Steve Smith, Adam Winder, Lynn
Montague, James Montague, Brett Kelley, Chris Smith, Sam Polys, Cameron Serafini, Brenda Wright,
Dorn Johnson, Tim Garman, Duane Forrest, Justin Dymeck, Allison Staiman, Joanne Hawk, Ken Hawk,
Jamie Gilbert, Garry Phillips, Josh Warfel, Skip Cochran, Kate Vornhold and Chris Clark.

Mr. Bower called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.

Item # 1: Approval of October 18, 2022 meeting minutes:

Mr. Staiman made a motion to accept the minutes with one correction, seconded by Mrs. Marty, with
all ayes the motion carried.

Item # 2: Resolution #2022-034 – Professional Services Agreement Definiti (Defined Benefit Pension
Plan & Actuarial Plan Administration services):

Mr. Wright stated that this agreement is for pension services along with actuarial plan
administration for RVTA. These services will extract all RVTA employee information from the city
and establish our own database for RVTA and pension calculations. This agreement is for years two
years with the initial year of 2022. The initial fee of $5,500 was for the preparation and
continues with a bi-annual agreement for 2023 and 2024. The fees set forth in the agreement are
$10,000 in the even years and
$5,000 for the odd years. There is also an additional expense of $350 per benefit calculation.

Mrs. Marty made a positive motion to approve this agreement, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all ayes
the motion carried.

Item # 3: Resolution #2022-035 – Approval of 2023 RVTA Board Meeting dates:

Mr. Bower asked if there were any questions on the proposed meeting dates for 2023. Mr. Moore
made a positive motion for recommendation, seconded by Mr. Crews, with all ayes the motion carried.

Item # 4: New Business:
Item # 5: Old Business:

Five (5) Year Strategic Plan – Mr. Bower presented each member with a strategic plan outline from
the consultant STV and reviewed the plan with the board. Ms. Nagy stated that STV is the
River Valley Transit Authority

that PennDot is supplying to conduct this plan and will be fully funded by PennDot. This will take
a couple months to complete and will encompass a comprehensive plan for the next five years.

Item # 6: Public Comments:

Mr. Bower indicated that anyone who would like to speak with public comment to please state your
name and you will have three (3) minutes to speak, with a maximum time for comments of thirty (30)
minutes. Ms. Nagy confirmed this is correct.

• Mr. Duane Forrest, President of the Local 1496 union would like to set up a time to
meet with the board members.

• Mrs. Hawk expressed her concerns relating to a personnel matter at RVTA.

• Mr. Dymeck also expressed his concerns for a personnel matter at RVTA.

• Mr. Hawk expressed his concerns for a personnel matter at RVTA.

Ms. Nagy stated that there will be a RVTA Board Executive session following this meeting,
pertaining to a personnel matter.

Mrs. Marty made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Crews. The meeting adjourned


Minutes 11-07-2022 Download