River Valley Transit Authority |
River Valley Transit Authority
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
MREC, Third Floor Trade and Transit Center II
Williamsport, PA 17701
Board Members Present: Noah Bower, Chuck Crews, Max Moore, Richard Staiman, Jill Nagy (Summers Nagy Law Offices via Zoom)
Administration Present: Todd Wright, Chris Smith, Ben Gair, Steve Smith, Cameron Serafini, Garry Phillips
No exectuive session was held.
Mr. Crews moved to accept the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of April 16, 2024. Mr. Staiman seconded. The motion carried.
A. April Financial Report
Mr. Gair presented RVTA’s financial report for April.
Total expenditures through the end of the April 2024 total $8,460,083 or 79.79% of our budgeted amount. Salaries expended total 74% of the budgeted amount or $3,761,496 through the end April 2024. Para-transit salaries and benefits are a year-end entry from regular other salaries based on hours worked on ADA by the Compliance Officer. Interest expense on the Line of Credit for April totaled $23,677.54.
The cash status report indicates $1,148,707.75 available in various bank accounts. The line of credit currently has $930,858.18 available for drawdown. The Fiscal Year 2024 grant funds have been received to the extent they will be until the FY23 audit is provided to PennDOT.
Checks cut since the last board meeting total $540,701.89. This includes checks to Geisinger in the amount of $136,185.79 for May Health Insurance and in the
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amount of $139,683.30 for June Health Insurance, as well as, a check cut to North Central Garage Door in the amount of $78,260.30 for the replacement of two rolling service doors and repair of an additional two other doors. The cost of the rolling service doors will be covered by Capital Grant funds.
Mr. Gair also explained the financial chart of accounts. He also noted they hired a new accounting manager. Mr. Wright noted the $2.2 million grant from the CARES act is currently going through PennDOT’s Legal Process.
Mr. Crews motioned to accept the March financial report and approve the current schedule of bills. Mr. Moore seconded. The motion carried.
B. Balance Sheet Engagement/Audit Update
Mr. Gair noted that the draft of the 2023 fiscal year audit will be completed and submitted around August or September. Mr. Wright an audit engagement letter from RKL for FY23, RVTA will continue to utilize GFS for CFO work and RKL for the auditing work. RVTA will also continue to use Ms. Steigelman for helping to assist with the audit. RKL’s proposed fee for the Opening Statement of Net Position is $10,000 and the actual audit fees will not exceed $42,000 which is the same fee quoted for FY22.
Mr. Moore motioned to accept RKL’s Audit Engagement for Fiscal Year 2023. Mr. Crews seconded. Mr. Staiman abstained from the vote due to his business utilizing RKL. The motion carried.
C. FY25 Operating Budget
Mr. Wright presented the 2025 fiscal year budget. Mr. Wright noted that there would not be any adjustments to the 1513 funding until the Governor’s budget is voted on. Mr. Wright noted that RVTA could receive $1.3 million if the budget passes. The proposed budget has a 17% increase in fringe benefits and a 4% increase in operating expenses. Mr. Bower noted the budget could be amended depending on the Governor’s budget proposal.
Mr. Crews made a motion to accept the budget. Mr. Moore seconded. The motion carried.
D. FY25 Local Match Resolution
Mr. Wright presented the 2025 fiscal year local match resolution. Mr. Wright noted the funding is not at the full 15% and there will not be an increase. The total for the 1513 funding is $5,855,943.00. $518,054.00 will be collected from local contributors.
Mr. Crews made a motion to accept the resolution. Mr. Moore seconded. The motion carried.
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April Ridership / Operations Report / Marketing Report
Mr. Wright presented the ridership for April. RVTA carried 67,612 passengers during March. 11,515 of those passengers were seniors. Mr. Wright presented the maintenance report for April, 24 road calls were made, nine were mechanical, 14 were non-mechanical, and one was an accident.
On May 8, 2024 RVTA celebrated Rider Appreciation Day, RVTA handed out prizes to passengers on the bus as well as offering free rides. RVTA will also be hosting transit talk with Theresa in May, July, and September. Mr. Wright presented the list of marketing and outreach activities that will take place during the summer months.
Lycoming County Parking Agreement
Mr. Wright noted the County is seeking to make renovations on the Third Street Plaza parcel to accommodate their needs. There is no further need for discussion at this time and this item will be removed from the agenda.
Resolution Amending Articles of Incorporation
Mr. Wright stated this resolution will increase the board of directors’ size from 5 members to 7. The City of Williamsport will appoint 5 members, and Lycoming County will appoint 2. Ms. Nagy suggested that 2 companion resolutions should be created and one sent to the county and one to the city.
Mr. Staiman made a motion to accept the resolution. Mr. Moore seconded. The motion carried.
Mr. Wright introduced Mr. Dan Leech, RVTA’s new IT director.
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 at 5:30 pm – Trade and Transit Center II in the Michael Ross Event.
Mr. Staiman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 PM. Mr. Moore seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.