River Valley Transit Authority |
River Valley Transit Authority
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
MREC, Third Floor Trade and Transit Center II
Williamsport, PA 17701
Bower, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:26 p.m.
Board Members Present: Noah Bower, Chuck Crews, Max Moore, Richard Staiman, Jill Nagy
Administration Present: Todd Wright, Chris Smith, Ben Gair, Steve Smith, Cameron Serafini, Garry
Phillips, Skip Cochran, Stacie Elliftawi
An executive session was held at 5:00 p.m. to discuss real estate and personel issues.
Mr. Moore moved to accept the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of May 21, 2024. Mr.
Crews seconded. The motion carried.
A. May Financial Report
Mr. Gair presented RVTA’s financial report for May.
Total expenditures through the end of the May 2024 total $9,456,826 or 89.19% of
our budgeted amount. Salaries expended total 85% of the budgeted amount or
$4,299,682 through the end May 2024. Para-transit salaries and benefits are a yearend
entry from regular other salaries based on hours worked on ADA by the
Compliance Officer.
The cash status report indicates $622,124.77 available in various bank accounts.
The line of credit currently has $432,196.88 available for drawdown. The total line
is for $4,500,000 and currently $4,067803.12 is drawn on the line. Total interest
expense on the line of credit for the month of May was $25,217.54.
Checks cut since the last board meeting total $205,283.72. The majority of the costs
included consists of fuel purchases totaling $60,989.60.
Mr. Crews motioned to accept the May financial report and approve the current schedule of bills. Mr.
Moore seconded. The motion carried.
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B. Audit Update
Mr. Wright said calls have been set up with Tim Kraft of RKL to review the audit. The 2022 audit will be
presented to the city of Williamsport in July.
C. FY25 Administrative Salary Detail
Mr. Wright said the final preparations for the FY 25 budget will be completed including 2 percent
raises for all employees. These raises are performance based. Mr. Staiman made a motion to accept
the raises. Mr. Moore seconded the motion. The motion carried.
A. May Ridership / Operations Report / Marketing Report
Mr. Wright presented the ridership for May. RVTA carried 70,053 passengers during May. 12,144 of
those passengers were seniors. Mr. Wright noted it has been a 7% increase. Mr. Wright presented the
maintenance report for May, 42 road calls were made, 18 were mechanical, 21 were non-mechanical,
and 3 were accidents. Mr. Wright noted the maintenance department is on track with their
preventative maintenance schedule. Two bus operators retired and 3 new operators are currently in
RVTA will be conducting customer satisfaction survey in July. RVTA will be operating an express bus for
the Hughesville Fair from July 10-20.
A. Cummins Repair RFP
Ms. Elliftawi presented an RFP for Cummin’s Inc. This will cover bus engine and component repairs and
overhauls. RVTA will receive a 30% discount for all parts with this agreement. The contract has been
awarded for three years. Mr. Moore made a motion to accept the contract. Mr. Crews seconded the
motion. The motion carried.
B. Fleet CNG tank Inspections/Repairs
Ms. Elliftawi presented an RFP for Susquehanna Fire Protection Company for the Amerex fire
suppression system and component repairs and overhauls. Susquehanna Fire Protection Company was
the only bidder for this project. RVTA will receive a 10% discount due to Susquehanna being a member
of the Costars program. They will be utilized for RVTA’s Fleet CNG tank inspections and repairs. The
total cost for the repairs will be $45,000.00. Mr. Crews made a motion to accept the contract. Mr.
Moore seconded the motion. The motion carried.
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C. Avail Training
Mr. Wright stated that some employees will be participating in training provided by Avail
Technologies. This will help employees learn the different aspects of Avail that operate on RVTA’s
vehicles. The total cost is $8,700.00. Mr. Staiman made a motion to accept, Mr. Moore seconded the
motion. The motion carried.
D. Appointment to Pension Board
Mr. Wright noted that a member of the RVTA Board of Directors needs to be a part of the pension
board. Mr. Crews was nominated as a member of the board. Mr. Moore made a motion to accept the
nomination. The motion carried.
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 at 5:30 pm – Trade and Transit Center II in the Michael Ross Event.
Mr. Moore motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 PM. Mr. Crews seconded. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.