River Valley Transit Authority

River Valley Transit Authority
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
MREC, Third Floor Trade and Transit Center II
Williamsport, PA 17701

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 5:30pm
The Board of Directors of River Valley Transit Authority held its regular meeting on July 16, 2024. Mr. Noah Bower, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Board Members Present: Noah Bower, Chuck Crews, Max Moore, Richard Staiman, Feif Gallagher, Solicitor Jill Nagy (Zoom)
Administration Present: Todd Wright, Chris Smith, Ben Gair, Steve Smith, Cameron Serafini, Garry Phillips, Jennifer Steigelman (GSF Services)
An executive session was held at after the board meeting to discuss contracts and personal matters.
Mr. Moore moved to accept the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of June 18, 2024. Mr. Crews seconded. The motion carried.
A. June Financial Report
Mr. Gair presented RVTA’s financial report for June.
Total expenditures through the end of the June 2024 total $10,154,422 or 95.77% of our budgeted amount. Salaries expended total 94% of the budgeted amount or $4,762,400 through the end June 2024.
The cash status report indicates $690,355.32 available in various bank accounts. The line of credit currently has $143,701.10 available for drawdown. The total line is for $4,500,000 and currently $4,356,298.90 is drawn on the line. Total interest expense on the line of credit for the month of June was $32,916.79.
Checks cut since the last board meeting total $257,922.95. The majority of the costs consist of fuel purchases, bus parts and repairs, consulting expense (GFS) and retirement contributions.
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Mr. Wright noted the cash flow payments are on hold until the audit is submitted, and the $2.8 million is on hold with the state’s legal department. All of RVTA’s property information has been given to the city of Williamsport. RVTA is now waiting for the city to move on that item.
Mr. Wirght noted that there is still $300,000 left in the city’s accounts that have not been transferred out yet.
Mr. Wright also stated he will be requesting a technical assistance grant to help cover the costs of the audit for the GFS portion.
Mr. Crews made a motion to accept the financial report. Ms. Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion carried.
B. Audit Update
Ms. Steigelman presented the audit update for June. Mr. Staiman asked for a timeline on the audit process. Ms. Steigelman noted that it is taking some time to sort through all of the information. She stated it would be most likely be by the end of July for the auditors to review. Ms. Steigelman noted that by November an initial trial balance should be created.
June Ridership / Operations Report
Mr. Wright presented the ridership report for June. During June RVTA transported 64,338 passengers, 11,005 of those passengers were seniors.
The PPTA Roadeo will be taking place August 2nd-5th, 3 RVTA operators will be competing.
RVTA hired 3 new bus operators. Next month the Little League World Series will be taking place.
Sub Committee Formations
Mr. Wright presented the new sub committees that will be forming at RVTA. There are 4 committees, finance/audit, planning/operations, maintenance, and employee relations committees. The committees will be chaired by a board member and co-chaired by the department head. RVTA employees will be members of the committees.
Mr. Staiman made a motion to accept the committees. Mr. Moore seconded. The motion carried.
Executive Director Employment Agreement
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Mr. Bower announced that Mr. Wright has been signed to a 5-year contract to remain as executive director. Mr. Staiman motioned to accept; Mr. Moore seconded. The motion carried.
FY24 PCTA Local Match Resolution
Mr. Wright noted that $808,071.00 has been requested to help pay for projected capital costs. There are 3 capital projects for FY 23-24 that will be covered by this. Mr. Staiman made a motion to accept this resolution. Mr. Crews seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Trespass / Exclusion of Service Policy
Mr. Wright presented a new policy RVTA implemented allowing the authority to ban and exclude people from the property if they have caused issues in the past. RVTA did not have any existing polices in place. Mr. Staiman made a motion to accept the policy. Ms. Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Lock Haven Link Service/Hepburnville Express
Mr. Wright recommended that the Lock Haven Link and Hepburnville buses should discontinue service. Ms. Nagy stated that 20 days public notice should be given. Mr. Crews made a motion to accept, Mr. Staiman seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 – Trade and Transit Centre II
Mr. Bower adjourned the meeting at 6:12 pm.

Minutes 7-16-2024 Download