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    Trip Planner

    Real-Time Route Information

    Get real time bus departures four different ways through myRide. All of our buses have GPS technology, and every one of our bus stops is assigned a number. As a result, we can tell you when your bus will be at your stop in real time.
    Click here for the Terms and Conditions of Use. Click here for our privacy policy.

    myRide Smart Phone App

    There’s a free myStop app available for your Android or iOS device. Just search for “myRide” at the App Store and look for the logo above.

    myRide via Text

    Text “RVT” and your bus stop number to 321123. For example at 4th Street and Grier, text RVT927 to 321123.
    Message and Data Rates may apply.

    myRide via Phone

    After regular RVT business hours, call (570) 326-2500 and follow the MyRide prompts for information.

    myRide Online

    Use myRide online to find your route and your stop online and get real time bus departures.

    Please note that due to traffic and other conditions, all myRide predictions are estimates. Please allow extra time.

    If you don’t like technology, that’s okay too. We’ve got you covered with RVT HelpLine. Often when you call a business, an auto-attendant answers. Not at RVT. We have real people with real answers in real time. Call the number below, and the person who answers the phone is the person who can answer your questions about riding the bus. We’re open weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Snow Alert Routes & Schedules

    When winter storms affect our area, River Valley Transit may implement snow emergency routes and schedules as follows:

    • The Loyalsock and Montoursville buses will depart from the Trade & Transit Centre on the hour and half hour instead of fifteen minutes before each hour and fifteen minutes after each hour.
    • Route deviations may be implemented if road conditions warrant. Listen to local radio stations or call River Valley Transit for information.
    • River Valley Transit transit information service will be in operation from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. while snow emergency routes and schedules are in effect.
    • River Valley Transit may use vehicles other than regular River Valley Transites to maintain service during snow emergencies.

    Download the myRide app


    Current Route Alerts

    Ollie's Bargain Outlet on Lycoming Mall Circle is a new bus stop and transfer point since the closing of Big Lots store. Effective 3/14/25.
